Respiratory rate (pulmonary ventilation rate or ventilation rate, breathing frequency (BF)) is the number of breaths a living being, such as a human, takes within a certain amount of time (frequently given in breaths per minute).
- Newborns: Average 44 breaths per minute
- Infants: 40-60 breaths per minute
- Preschool children: 20–30 breaths per minute
- Older children: 16–25 breaths per minute
- Adults: 12–20 breaths per minute
- Adults during strenuous exercise 35–45 breaths per minute
- Athletes' peak 60–70 breaths per minute
- Stethoscope
It is simply possible to measure number of cycle per minute.
- this take more time
- accuracy depend upon user
2. Multi measurement monitor
2.1 ECG
RR Imp Respiration Rate measured using change of Impedance across the ECG leads RA (Right Arm) and LL (Left Leg)
Proper Leads placement |
Three Leads Placement |
- If values not shown on monitor Check RA and LA properly place as shown above
2.2 Side stream CO2
This also widely used to measure RR of ventilated patients.
CO2 Typical Graph |
Electro Chemical Sensors
Let's calculate our breathing rate by an advanced Respiratory Rate system!